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What to Do If ...

If you’re not feeling like yourself, your feelings are normal and you are not alone. There are many resources available to you that can help. Use this guide to move forward.

Student scenarios

Here's what to do if...

What should I do if I’m having suicidal thoughts or am concerned about the personal safety of another person?

Please find support NOW. If you – or someone else – is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, you should always call 911. There are more resources available to help you, as well.

Find help now:

  • Call the Carruth Center 24/7 at 304-293-4431 and tell the staff you are in crisis; after hours and weekends call 304-293-4431, press 1 and you will be connected to someone.
  • Go to the Carruth Center’s Urgent/Crisis Clinic between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday – Friday.
  • Go to the emergency room at J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital.
  • Call the WVU Police at 304-293-3136.
  • Text WVU to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 24/7 for free, confidential help.
  • Call the 24-hour National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK ( 800-273-8255).
  • Call the Veterans Crisis Line at 800-273-TALK ( 800-273-8255) and press 1.
  • Call the Trevor Project Lifeline (LGBTQ+) at 1-866-488-7386.

I’m struggling in class and not sure where to get help. What should I do?

First, know that it’s normal to find it difficult to balance classes, studying, social activities, life activities and more. Almost every student can use some extra help.

Solutions that can help:

  • Ask for help. Go to your instructor or academic adviser and let them know you are struggling. Remember, they want you to succeed, too!
  • Tutoring is available at WVU’s tutoring centers; both in-person and virtual options are available. There are tutoring centers in several on-campus locations and most of them have drop-in tutoring.
  • Schedule an appointment with a Success Coach. A coach will meet with you 1:1 to discuss the best ways to help you stay on track.
  • Get focused. Find a quiet place to study and do your work. Ignore social media while you are studying.
  • Find someone in your class who is excelling and ask them to share notes or if you can study with them.
  • There are many areas on campus offering support. Check out the resources on the Carruth Center’s website.

I’m homesick and not sure I can stay. How can I get past it?

Being homesick is a normal reaction to being away from the people and places you love. Acknowledge that you are having these feelings and “own them.” You may have to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and there are ways to leave those feelings behind.

Solutions that can help:

  • Get involved in a student organization. WVU has over 450 student groups for everything from gaming to Quidditch to community service to history. You can search by category or name at WVUEngage
  • Connect with students who share similar life experiences through University organizations like the LGBTQ+ Center, The Center for Black Culture and Research, the Women's Resources Center and Veteran Services. You can also see a list of religious student organizations as well as cultural and international student organizations.  
  • Ask your roommate – or someone down the hall – to go to dinner. You may find they are feeling the same way and looking for a new friend.
  • WVUp All Night is a great event where you can meet people, do some really fun things, eat food and engage in an activity that will make you feel part of WVU.
  • Talk to your RA about your feelings and ask them to help you find ways to get involved so you’ll feel more comfortable at WVU.
  • Attend an event and ask a friend to go with you. Check out the Refresh and Student Events websites for upcoming events.
  • Contact the Carruth Center for help. They have trained counselors who will help you find ways to eliminate those feelings and get comfortable on campus. They offer short-term counseling and their services are free and confidential.

What if I can’t get along with my roommate? We disagree all the time. 

If you live in a residence hall, talk to your Resident Assistant. They are trained to resolve conflicts between roommates. They can facilitate a discussion to de-escalate situations. If you are unable to find common ground and the living situation is affecting your success at WVU, you may consider a room change. Talk with your RA first, and then your Residence Life Specialist. They will review available options with you.

If you live off-campus, consider what’s causing the disagreement. Cleanliness of the apartment? Guests in your apartment at times that make you uncomfortable or unable to study? Too much clutter?

More Solutions:

  • Consider creating a roommate agreement to aid with conversation points.
  • Be aware of how your actions and choices may affect your roommate, especially if you have never lived with anyone before. 
  • Open and honest conversation is key to success. Address disagreements openly and respectfully. Explain how you feel without getting mad. How you say something is as important as what you say.
  • Practice empathy. Even if you disagree and have different perspectives, your roommate is still a person, too, who has many of the same feelings and dreams as you. 
  • If you can’t work out a disagreement, ask a trusted impartial third party to hear both sides of the argument and act as a mediator.

I’m feeling “off” and not like myself. Are there things I can do to get back on track? 

Feeling “off” for a day or two isn’t cause for alarm, and nothing specific may have triggered it. Or perhaps you are experiencing a reaction to something that happened to you. There are ways to get out of a rut/slump/funk.

Solutions that can help:

  • Don’t beat yourself up over it. Talk to yourself as you would talk to a friend who is struggling; use encouraging words and remind yourself that everything is going to be okay.
  • Practice self-care by being patient with yourself or even taking a break from your daily routine to do something you love. Read a (non-text) book, go for a walk, attend an event, get a massage or take a nap.
  • Connect with a friend or two – by phone, over dinner or study with someone. 
  • Take care of your physical self. Eat healthy foods (skip the junk food and sugary sodas) and skip the alcohol. It can negatively impact your mood for several days after consuming it. Get good sleep, too. You’ll have more energy and remember more from class and studying. Work out at the Student Rec Center or attend one of their classes
  • WellWVU has a chillPACK daily activity calendar; do one activity a day and watch your productivity and perspective improve. And they also offer stress management tools and activities to get you back on track. 
  • Limit your exposure to social media and news. You are bombarded 24/7 with news coverage and constant access to social media. Experts recommend no more than twice a day for 15 to 30 minutes.

Still feeling off?

  • If you’re still feeling “off” after taking care of yourself for a couple of days, consider using the on-campus resources available.
  • Contact the Carruth Center at 304-293-4431 and ask for help. 
  • Talkspace is an online therapy service that will connect you with a dedicated therapist from a secure HIPAA-compliant platform. Available at no charge to WVU students, it allows you to talk with a licensed therapist. Visit the WVU’s Talkspace page to get started. 
  • Check out the other resources the Carruth Center offers, including group activities, drop-in Let's Chat consultations and more.

don't see your situation? 

Please submit a question to help us build our resources or contact the Carruth Center for immediate assistance.

we're here for you.

Your time in college can be stressful and has the potential to impact your mental health. Know that you're never alone in your struggles. There is always someone to talk to.   

Whatever you do, don't give up hope. We see you. You matter.